Year of Projects: Week 45/46

Today’s post brought to you with no formatting.

Project monogamy really makes for some boring blogging. Oh look, it’s the same project I’ve been showing you, now 1/2” longer.

No new YOP official updates. Plugging away on my hobbit door and Until We Win: Fight projects.


I also wanted to share my logo stickers! I got them last week and never showed them off!!

Have you seen my corporate logo?

And today, being The 4th of July, I didn’t want to go to the store to get hot dog buns. So I made my own. Rave reviews all around.

Hot dog buns for giant Costco hot dogs.

12 responses to “Year of Projects: Week 45/46”

  1. Your logobsticker is great. FYI….I never tire of seeing the same projects each week. So please show me the 1/2″ you get done each week. Homemade breads of any kind are always the bestest.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Crafts and food, my two favourite things! Love the logo design and looking forward to reading all progress – and maybe picking up tips on project monogamy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! I was never a monogamous crafter until recently- I have never finished so many items in my life! I try to have 3 projects going, a knit, a crochet, and a small (portable) project.


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