Tag: stash yarn

  • NYE Cast-On Party.

    It’s the new year now, about 6:30am local time. I’m writing this from my phone, and the warm comfort of bed. Seize the moment, and all. The whole family stayed up until midnight, even the kids (6 & 7.5). We have been watching all the Marvel movies (in release order), last night we watched Shaung-Chi…

  • Pom-Pom Wreath

    As a knitter, crocheter, and spinner, I constantly find myself with odds and ends of yarn. I guess I could throw out all those little pieces, but my pragmatic side doesn’t want it to just go into a landfill. As a parent, I’m always looking for ideas to occupy the kids: without screens. My son…

  • Year of Projects: Week 14

    This week I’m back on my usual machine. I had my iPad last week, but the keyboard case decided it wasn’t going to work and my son was using it for school from 8:40-2:00 daily. Which means I will RESPOND to the other YOP posts instead of just reading them. Yippie! I am still plugging…

  • Addition and Subtraction

    I’m not TRYING to grow my stash. I swear! It’s just… I can spend money faster than I can knit or crochet. And the pretties… they CALL to me! We stayed in Williamsburg last week, we had an outdoor wedding to attend last weekend, and my in-laws had a bunch of timeshare they needed to…

  • Spring Sprang Sprung

    FINALLY! I published this design. After months agonizing that the formatting and photos were JUST RIGHT, I said “Its time”. Even if the photos aren’t perfect. About the Design This year has been dedicated to mindful stash reduction. I have a modest stash, but it overflows the space I have allocated for it. Being an…

  • I Believe in Miracles

    The kind of my own making. You guys. This is huge for me. I finished TWO things within 24 hours (Thursday evening/Friday afternoon). Not just two random things. But TWO PAIRS OF SOCKS. Not the long languishing socks of years past. Socks that were finished in UNDER a month of cast-on. You may say, “But…

  • Fridays are for Finishing?

    Except today. I haven’t finished anything all week. I’ve started a couple projects. I’ve worked on a couple of standing projects. I overdyed some old stash yarn. I THOUGHT about frogging my old WIP, Paulie. I purchased some yarn. I’ve had a bunch of new project ideas that I’m excited to start. I had some…